All Block One clubs for September are now live on our booking page where you will find two options:
- 1 Block Booking
- Whole Year Booking
All clubs run 15:30-16:30 on the school premises (Gym, Playgrounds or Field)
Unfortunately we are unable to continue running our Hockey Development Club at the school and now offer Basketball on Tuesday as an alternative.
- Monday – Athletics (All Years) | Rounders KS2 Clubs
- Tuesday – Gymnastics Year 1 & 2 | Basketball KS2 Clubs
- Wednesday – Gymnastics Year 3 & 4 Club
- Thursday – Gymnastics Year 5 & 6 | Ball-Skills Club KS1
- Friday – Tennis KS2 | Multi-Sports Years 1,2 & 3 Club
All Sports Development clubs run 15:30 – 16:30 and take place on the school site. Collection will follow the same system as the schools teacher led clubs using a one-way system.
Entrance will be via the main Bishop Road gates, please walk into the Grant playground, exiting once you have your child/children through the Boat Playground and out onto Cambridge Road.
Please see the daily collection points map from the school website here.
Once payment has been made and a child has a confirmed place in a club there will be NO refunds and NO credits issued.